Sunday 10 July 2011

The Minotaur in the Labyrinth

Minotaur will not end up in the Labyrinth if not because of the greed of King Minos.

King Minos wants to get what he wanted through the Gods. So, he was planning to offer a ritual of sacrifice to Poseidon despite that he had nothing to offer. He just command a bull from the sea and eventually a white bull emerged and rise from the sea. Instead of sacrifice the white bull to Poseidon, he decided to keep it and offer one of the bull from the royal herd as a sacrifice. 

Poseidon eventually mad at King Minos. In return, he makes Pasiphae, the wife of King Minos, to fall completely in lust with the white bull. She gets Daedalus to build a mechanical cow for her to climb inside with the appropriate part of her hanging out. Of course, King Minos knew none of these. 

After some time, Pasiphae thought that she was having a baby with King Minos. However, the baby that she gave birth was having a bull's head instead of a normal human head. We all know that the baby was Minotaur.  

King Minos was shamed publicly and Pasiphae hates the child and the white bull. He went to the oracle at Delphi to hide his shame. The oracle told him that Minotaur should be presented as a monster and trapped in a giant maze known as the Labyrinth. According to the oracle, Minotaur should be a fierce-flesh -eater and be given human sacrifices

Therefore, poor Minotaur was left alone in the Labyrinth and fed flesh. It wasn't normal for a cow to feed on meat, unless they are really starving. This is really terrible. Technically, Minotaur wasn't all alone in the Labyrinth because he had a younger half-sister by the name of Ariadne who knew how to get out from the Labyrinth. Eventually she taught Minotaur to speak in human tongue and befriends with him. At least he had a connection with human other than just food. 

It all changed when Ariadne fall in love with Theseus who claimed to be a sacrifice for Minotaur. She convinced Theseus that he could be a hero by slaying Minotaur in the Labyrinth. She gave him a sword and a ball of twine so that he can find a way to get in and out from the Labyrinth after killed Minotaur, her brother and her friend.

Theseus does not believed what Minotaur told him before he killed him. The thing is, Theseus dumped Ariadne after killed Minotaur and became a hero. 

Honestly, I think that Minotaur is completely innocent. King Minos should be punished for what he had done to Poseidon by just sacrificed a normal bull instead of the White Bull. It was terrible to fed a cow with flesh instead of grass. The worst thing is that human are willing to betrayed his or her own family just because of love. Men just forget those who have helped them in their times of need when they are successful.

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